God Save The Queen… and the Urban Fantasy!

God_Save_The_Queen_CoverVampires. Werewolves. Victorian England. Steampunk. Girl Heroine.

So many these same ingredients have been used in other novels that it feels like it’s getting boring.

But not God Save the Queen! No bloody way!

God Save The Queen is a kick-ass novel that takes these tired ingredients and makes something new and fresh. It’s like an apple pie with jalapenos! Xandra is a wonderful character, rich and complex, and she takes on a whirlwind tour of her world that leaves no prisoners behind. Locke (or any of the other pseudonym’s she goes by) deftly reveals information in little clumps, never overwhelming her reader with info dumps and keeping the action tight and the dialogue crisp to make the book flying along.

I ate this book up and can’t wait to dive into the rest of the series. They are going to be little delicacies (much like a leech) that I will snack on from time to time.

Keep it up, Kate!